process diagram for TMS and recruiting


需要一个明确而简单的招聘流程?我们招聘管理平台能够满足你所需。 只有6个求职者状态,系统让你组织和管理所有的面试和招聘活动。


求职者的初始状态是"Initial", 这时你可以指定面试官来安排一个面试,或者直接拒绝如果该求职者不满足职位要求; 如果求职者通过面试,你可以继续安排多轮面试,或者直接作出是否录用的决定。


您只需点击鼠标, 系统帮您自动通知面试负责人和招聘专员

我们的招聘流程由一个简单明确的求职者管理流程驱动,您作出的是否录用和面试是否通过的决定会自动触发 电子邮件通知面试负责人和招聘专业。当您需要对某些当前处于'Pending'状态的求职者,我们的系统也会自动发邮件 提醒, 以加快整个招聘过程。 查看这里了解更多...


Initial The state that the applicants have just applied for the job opening; Or the state that you have just add a passive candidate from talent pools.
  • Assign interviewer --> to 'Waiting for interview' state;
  • Not qualified(screen out) --> to 'Rejected' state.
Waiting for interview The state that the applicant(candidate) need to be interviewed.
  • Interview - Passed --> to 'Pending' state;
  • Interview - Rejected --> to 'Rejected' state;
  • Interview - Not sure --> to 'Pending' state.
Waiting for interview The state that the applicant(candidate) need to be interviewed.
  • Interview - Passed --> to 'Pending' state;
  • Interview - Rejected --> to 'Rejected' state;
  • Interview - Not sure --> to 'Pending' state.
Pending The state that the hire-or-not-hire decision need to be made, and assign new interviewer if further interviews or more information needed.
  • Hire --> to 'Hired' state;
  • Not hire --> to 'Rejected' state;
  • Assign interviewer --> to 'Waiting for interview' state.
Hired The state indicates the candidate passed all interviews and get hired None.
Rejected The state indicates the candidate failed interviews or not qualified for the position
  • Assign interviewer --> to 'Waiting for interview' state, if you need more information to assess the candidate, just schedule another interview.


优秀的候选人总是难以找到, 所以必须要有一个最优化的招聘流程来保证尽快完成招聘,如果招聘周期拖得太长,候选人 可能会被其他公司录取,也可能直接拒绝您公司的offer。这种情况下, 您如何缩短招聘所需时间呢?


  • 查找系统中处于'Pending'状态的求职者,通常这些求职者刚刚通过了面试,需要您及时作决定是否录用,或者 安排下一轮面试;
  • 查找系统中招聘状态没有及时更新的候选人,这通常意味着这些求职者被无意遗忘,没有及时跟进,经常检查这些状态 能够提高和加快您的招聘周期。
  • ...

您可以访问我们的招聘管理平台首页和 产品特性页面 了解更多。

manage all candidates for a job opening